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Since 1867,
we have manufactured
high quality accessories
for hunting rifles.

QUALITY from TRADI­TION is far more than just a statement.
To us, it means dedi­ca­tion and commitment.

RECK­NAGEL – Made in Germany


Since 1867,
we have manufactured
high quality accessories
for hunting rifles.

QUALITY from TRADI­TION is far more than just a state­ment. To us, it means dedi­ca­tion and commitment.

RECK­NAGEL – Made in Germany

150 Years of RECKNAGEL

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In 1867, our family busi­ness started the produc­tion of sights and acces­sories for the gun industry in Suhl, Thuringia. After the end of World War II and the expro­pri­a­tion by the Soviet occu­pying forces, the company relo­cated to Schwe­in­furt, Bavaria.

Scope mounts for hunting rifles were added to the product range and have been an essen­tial part thereof ever since.

In 2010, RECK­NAGEL launched their line of tactical mounts and acces­sories for the civil sector and law enforce­ment under the brand name “ERATAC®”. Decades of expe­ri­ence, as well as the contin­uous exchange with users, led to the steady expan­sion of our product range.

All ERATAC® prod­ucts are manu­fac­tured according to mili­tary stan­dards, thus meeting highest require­ments, and have proven them­selves on various weapons systems worldwide.
In 2016, we continued our expan­sion of the hunting product range and started manu­fac­turing suppres­sors, which are distrib­uted under the brand “ERA-Silencer”.

As a tradi­tional family busi­ness, we rely on both sustain­able quality and cutting-edge tech­nology. A contin­uous invest­ment led to computer-controlled systems of the latest gener­a­tion, which guar­antee 100% quality “Made in Germany”.

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