Recknagel riemenbügel_recknagel_2019-01-05_20x20 Rifle Accessories

Amongst our rifle acces­sories we summa­rize those prod­ucts, which beside their func­tion contribute to a great extent to the embell­ish­ment of the rifle.

We are offering a rich palette of shapely grip caps, presenting to you the possi­bility of indi­vidual engraving.

Regard­less of being provided with English scroll engraving, bold foliate engraving, deer motifs or elab­o­rate mono­grams, these grip caps form a perfect comple­tion of the trap­door grip cap and bestow your rifle with a unique character.

Like­wise, trigger guards and stock cartridge traps as well as butt plate or pistol grip traps belong to our assort­ment. These also offer a small engraving area in addi­tion to their func­tion, which contribute to the embell­ish­ment of your weapon. The maga­zines fitting into the stock, serve for stowing cartridge or little accessories.

ERA-rifle acces­sories also comprise a variety of different swivels, which allow each way of mounting possible and which can be combined with diverse loops and detach­able swivels.

Recknagel riemenbügel_recknagel_2019-01-05_20x20 Rifle Accessories