Recknagel systemtechnik_recknagel_2019-01-05_20x20 System Technology

Under system tech­nology, we under­stand essen­tial acces­sories that contribute to the proper func­tioning of your weapon.

Next to our clas­sics like tradi­tional double set trig­gers, a variety of safeties and adjustable trig­gers for Mauser K98 and Mauser 66 are available.

A real eye-catcher are our trig­gers with golden blade!

For the replace­ment of the orig­inal 98 safety, we offer our hori­zontal 3 posi­tion safety, which allows a very low scope mount. In addi­tion to our Stan­dard version we offer our so-called SECURA-3 posi­tion safety with a special safety catch incor­po­rated into the locking lever, which makes it impos­sible to push the lever unin­ten­tion­ally into the fire position.
For Mauser K98 we also offer a left-hand safety.

Further­more we do have 45°- and Greener Safeties, Trigger Guards and more.

For custom-made bolt action rifles à la Mauser M98 we offer Maga­zine boxes fully machined from solid steel as well as follower and follower-springs.

Recknagel systemtechnik_recknagel_2019-01-05_20x20 System Technology