Our selection of SIGHTS covers a variety of different front sights, ramps and rear sights with corresponding sight bases.
So our standard program offers appropriate solutions for each customer requirement. But we also realize customized solutions which meet our clients‘ particular expectations.
Depending on the sort of rifle and on the exact application, you can choose between modern design and conservatively or traditionally geared products, which have been manufactured and applied for generations. This especially includes our silver beaded front sights, partridge sights, fixed standing- and slanted rear sights as well as the so called “open sights”.
Some part gotten out of fashion or buried in oblivion has experienced a revival in recently. This applies for our H&H style front ramps and diverse receiver sights, just to mention a few examples.
Above this we constantly have expanded and modernized our range of products and have added to our products a modern an innovative design. For tradition and innovation perfectly match in this case. Thus in the field of front- and rear sights, colored synthetic inlays, fluorescent materials as well as Fiber Optic inserts, play an important role today. Due to the variety of colors and shapes, diverse possibilities of combination arise. Just think about our see-thru-sights, actually a classic rear sight, considering their shape. They are provided with a fluorescent Fiber Optic insert and well shaped „windows“, which enable an extremely small cover of the game. Not to forget about our inlay sights - as the name implies - with a colored insert in combination with our LUMIFIX-front sights.
It is to be mentioned here, that we use but high-quality Fiber Optic products, manufactured by the US company TRUGLO.
And if you really cannot find what you are looking for in our comprehensive standard program, custom-made solutions can also be realized.
We are happy to receive your inquiry!