Recknagel visierungen_recknagel_2019-01-05_20x20 Sights

Our selec­tion of SIGHTS covers a variety of different front sights, ramps and rear sights with corre­sponding sight bases.

So our stan­dard program offers appro­priate solu­tions for each customer require­ment. But we also realize customized solu­tions which meet our clients‘ partic­ular expectations.

Depending on the sort of rifle and on the exact appli­ca­tion, you can choose between modern design and conser­v­a­tively or tradi­tion­ally geared prod­ucts, which have been manu­fac­tured and applied for gener­a­tions. This espe­cially includes our silver beaded front sights, partridge sights, fixed standing- and slanted rear sights as well as the so called “open sights”.

Some part gotten out of fashion or buried in oblivion has expe­ri­enced a revival in recently. This applies for our H&H style front ramps and diverse receiver sights, just to mention a few examples.

Above this we constantly have expanded and modern­ized our range of prod­ucts and have added to our prod­ucts a modern an inno­v­a­tive design. For tradi­tion and inno­va­tion perfectly match in this case. Thus in the field of front- and rear sights, colored synthetic inlays, fluo­res­cent mate­rials as well as Fiber Optic inserts, play an impor­tant role today. Due to the variety of colors and shapes, diverse possi­bil­i­ties of combi­na­tion arise. Just think about our see-thru-sights, actu­ally a classic rear sight, consid­ering their shape. They are provided with a fluo­res­cent Fiber Optic insert and well shaped „windows“, which enable an extremely small cover of the game. Not to forget about our inlay sights - as the name implies - with a colored insert in combi­na­tion with our LUMIFIX-front sights.

It is to be mentioned here, that we use but high-quality Fiber Optic prod­ucts, manu­fac­tured by the US company TRUGLO.

And if you really cannot find what you are looking for in our compre­hen­sive stan­dard program, custom-made solu­tions can also be realized.

We are happy to receive your inquiry!

Recknagel visierungen_recknagel_2019-01-05_20x20 Sights